HP 100B All—In—One New Desktops PC

HP 100B All—In—One New Desktops PC

HP brought out its new All-In-One Desktop PC for small business owners. The HP 100B equipped with new AMD 1.6GHz E-350 Fusion chip both keeps the cost down but also gives it enough visual performance to handle HD video on its 20-inch, 1600x900 displays.

The system can hold up to 8GB of RAM and a 750GB hard drive; it hasn't given out the minimum RAM but promises at least a 250GB disk. HP focuses on its low power, which drops under 90W for the entire display and system, and on options for more professional operating systems like Red Flag Linux and Windows 7 Professional. Pricing on the 100B will start at $500 when it ships in February 2011.